About Us
Wolof language & culture resource since 2007
Janga Wolof operates on an unpaid volunteer staff of one. Although it's a labor of love it can still take a lot of time, energy and money to operate our websites and to find and translate resources into English. Your contributions help us to be able to devote more time and energy into maintaining and improving the site as well as the funds necessary to continue to bring our users valuable resources.
Some Things Your Donations Help Fund
Operating costs such as: domain hosting fees, internet connection and keeping the power on.
Fees associated with third-party services such as subscription costs to the services that host many of our resources.
The purchase of the resource materials that we use to develop and verify our own resources, many of which have to either be translated from a foreign language or scholarly papers that have to be simplified from academic jargon into more generalized language.
And of course the most important of all: lots and lots of good strong coffee!
Some Things Your Donations May Help Fund In The Future
Publications such as: a pocket dictionary & phrasebook, comprehensive desk dictionary, specialized dictionaries (for example a dictionary for medical volunteers), thesaurus, etc.
Study materials such as: textbooks, workbooks, audio courses, online courses, etc.
Although we are very fond of our online translator it is very basic, and with the proper funding we can create a translator that rivals services like Google Translate.
The creation of apps for smartphones and tablets, interactive e-books, etc.
These are just some of the ideas for projects that the proper funding can help us achieve.